While Everett did not particularly care to wear his costume, he sure was cute! Since Everett LOVES bananas, it seemed appropriate that he should be a monkey for Halloween. He also really enjoys watching Curious George in the morning so the monkey was even more appropriate. We made it out trick-or-treating to several shops at Town Center and to two neighbor's houses later that evening.
Randy and I spend a weekend in Chicago to celebrate our third anniversary. We went to the top of the Sears Tower, went the Chicago Art Institute Museum, shopped and ate delicious food.
Meanwhile, Everett spent the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Hauner and the Kings. He would like to give a big "Pepper Thanks" to everyone for a fun weekend! He enjoyed playing with everyone!
Several weeks ago, Lincoln, Linda and Scott came over for dinner. As some of you may know, Everett really likes to push things (his fire truck, the "walker", trucks, and you get the picture). The boys worked as a team, to fight fires, with Everett being the engine and Lincoln riding on the truck. Are you ready Sparky?
(Oh, and by the way, this show off Everett's skills at walking backward!)
Everett likes it! Randy was out in the garden with Everett picking some peppers. He turned away for two seconds and saw that Everett was tasting the soil. (Since Randy's a soil scientist, I had better use the correct term!)
I realize that it's been a while, but I wanted to tell you about our summer vacation! The Davis' spent several days in the end of August in Estes Park with Lincoln, Linda, Scott, and Grandma and Grandpa Hauner. We enjoyed the beatiful Rocky Mountain National Park, went hiking,
Everett officially started walking on his own in July 18, 2008. He took 7 steps while at Grandma Linda's house, without holding on to anything. He has been running ever since. Here's a good video of him walking and talking!
Ever since this summer, Everett has been taking baths in the "big boy" bath. Here's a few cute pictures of him.He's also "very good" at brushing his teeth! Something new Everett has picked up this summer is splahing in the tub. One of his favorite things to do is to splash Mom and Dad in the bathtub!
We have recently discovered that although he does not eat a whole lot of adult food, he can eat corn right off of the cob and he LOVES it. Randy's the one who said it..."he's a Cornhusker, alright!"
We have a neighborhood pool in our subdivision and with the weather getting pretty hot, we thought we'd cool down at the pool.
Everett seems to like the baby pool where he can walk around holding on to the edge or mom or dad's hands. The larger pool is not Everett's favorite, yet.
We celebrated Everett's second Independence Day with my Dad's family at my Aunt Irene and Uncle Jerry's house in Chamberlain, South Dakota. They have a very nice home that overlooks Francis Case Lake (Missouri River dammed up). Six of my Dad's seven sisters and their families were there. Everett, unfortunately got a case of the "mommies" and if I was around, he wanted me to be holding him. No one else would do! Luckily, while he was napping, Randy and I got out on the boat and he was fine with Grandma and great-aunts feeding him and taking care of him when I was not around.
My younger cousins shot off some fireworks. Much to our surprise, Everett was not scard of the loud "BOOMS" but rather giggled when the fire crackers went off! See video, below.
Everett had lots of fun with some of my cousins that are young, such as my cousin Chase who lives in California. He was nice enough to push Everett on his fire engine. See video, below.
As you can see, this did not work out so well. The video below displays what seemed to work better for everyone!
Can you believe it? Everett turned one year old on Saturday, June 14th. We had barnyard first birthday party complete with large cow and pig balloons, a little people barnyard cake and a bunch of fun decorations.
Here's the birthday boy sitting by his outdoor birthday sign (so everyone would know that it's Everett's birthday!). The entertainment for the party consisted of Everett showing everyone his skills at walking. Look at how proud he is! After the entertainment, Everett got to open his presents! He got oodles of toys! (He also got a little of help opening his gifts from some of his older friends.)
All of the boys enjoyed playing with the parking garage. Poor Everett might have been the youngest but he tried his hardest to keep up with playing with the garage! At one point he got pushed over and he was MAD. He just got right back up and got in there to play!
And, of course, the most anticipated part of the party - CAKE! Here's the before...
Everett loves the telephone (any phone-mobile, land-line, just not the play phones). He also loves the TV remote control and the camera! Look at just how excited he is to get the camera...or is he just attacking Dad?
Everett likes to keep busy. When he's not crawling or walking on his walker, he is cruising around the furniture. He also enjoy talking. He's growing up so fast!
When Grandpa and Grandma Hauner came down for Linda's graduation, Lincoln passed down his "walker". Everett really liked playing with the walker, as you can see by the smile on his face. We didn't think he was quite ready to walk on his own with the walker, but Grandpa set him up on it and he took off! He was walking on his own with the walker. Way to Go, Everett!
Everett has become very attached to his Cousin Lincoln. When he sees him, he will smile, talk and crawl up to him as fast as he can. Unfortunate for Lincoln, however is that Everett will pull up on him to stand up. Lincoln's not much larger than Everett so it's probably a bit of a strain on the guy when Everett's on him! Those two will probably be good buddies when they both get a bit older.
Lincoln enjoyed playing with the large legos that we had. He was very proud of the skyscraper that he built! (Maybe he'll be an engineer or architect?)
Two weeks ago, my sister, Linda, earned her PhD in Economics from the University of Missouri at Kansas City. We are all very proud of her. Congratulations, Linda!
On April 24th, the Davis household headed off to San Antonio, Texas for our first family vacation! It was nice and warm in Texas and the San Antonio "Fiesta" festival was going on. There were several major parades, street festivals and lots of fun activities going on while we were there. In addition to the fun, we all survived the flight, without any meltdowns, and slept pretty well in the hotel room. Everett on his first airplane. Eating puffs helps pass the time. Our hotel was right on the Riverwalk. Lots of fun stuff to get in to and Everett enjoyed the view from our hotel room! We spent lots of time walking on the Riverwalk and eating in the cool restaurants along the walk. We also visited the Alamo. It was beautiful!
After four months of having only two teeth (on the bottom), Everett has finally broken out two more teeth! The top two! There is at least another one on top that is trying to break through and he is constantly drooling and chewing on stuff to try to help get more teeth out.
Little E-boy has gotten very, very adept to pulling himself up. He practiced a lot on the dancing bear that Grandpa and Grandma Davis got for him for Christmas. He is also very good at pulling up on people, me and Dad in particular. He's so darn cute, you just can't resist picking him up!
Everett likes to look out the front door when it is open. (That is, when he is not busy shutting the door, which seems to be a favorite pastime as of recent.) He has also learned to make funny faces in the door. I'm so proud! See below!