While Everett did not particularly care to wear his costume, he sure was cute! Since Everett LOVES bananas, it seemed appropriate that he should be a monkey for Halloween. He also really enjoys watching Curious George in the morning so the monkey was even more appropriate. We made it out trick-or-treating to several shops at Town Center and to two neighbor's houses later that evening.
Randy and I spend a weekend in Chicago to celebrate our third anniversary. We went to the top of the Sears Tower, went the Chicago Art Institute Museum, shopped and ate delicious food.
Meanwhile, Everett spent the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Hauner and the Kings. He would like to give a big "Pepper Thanks" to everyone for a fun weekend! He enjoyed playing with everyone!
Several weeks ago, Lincoln, Linda and Scott came over for dinner. As some of you may know, Everett really likes to push things (his fire truck, the "walker", trucks, and you get the picture). The boys worked as a team, to fight fires, with Everett being the engine and Lincoln riding on the truck. Are you ready Sparky?
(Oh, and by the way, this show off Everett's skills at walking backward!)
Everett likes it! Randy was out in the garden with Everett picking some peppers. He turned away for two seconds and saw that Everett was tasting the soil. (Since Randy's a soil scientist, I had better use the correct term!)
I realize that it's been a while, but I wanted to tell you about our summer vacation! The Davis' spent several days in the end of August in Estes Park with Lincoln, Linda, Scott, and Grandma and Grandpa Hauner. We enjoyed the beatiful Rocky Mountain National Park, went hiking,
Everett officially started walking on his own in July 18, 2008. He took 7 steps while at Grandma Linda's house, without holding on to anything. He has been running ever since. Here's a good video of him walking and talking!
Ever since this summer, Everett has been taking baths in the "big boy" bath. Here's a few cute pictures of him.He's also "very good" at brushing his teeth! Something new Everett has picked up this summer is splahing in the tub. One of his favorite things to do is to splash Mom and Dad in the bathtub!