Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Attack of a Nasty Stomach Virus

Thursday morning, Everett puked, Exorcist style. After calling his daycare, it became clear that all the kids at the daycare were sick with some sort of stomach virus as no one else was at daycare that day except for the little girl that had it a couple of days before.
Poor Everett threw up everything he ate on Thursday and had the runs on Friday. He seemed to be doing better yesterday and today he is almost back to normal. Unforunately, Everett's Dad also caught the virus and was sick on Saturday, but lucky me, I have not caught it yet or I am immune the evil virus! Here's a picture of Everett yesterday, so happy to be feeling better!

1 comment:

Linda said...

I'm glad Everett is feeling better, and I hope Randy is better by now, too. Stomach viruses (virii?) are nooooooo fun!